Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Assignment 6

Here is the link to my webpage for assignment 6:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Muddiest Point

I do not have a muddiest point for this week.

Readings for 11/24

Weblogs: Don't see the appeal of weblogs. I barely have time to read a novel let alone read what Josie is making for breakfast.

Wiki: Making a "wiki" library sounds kind of neat. This article really makes it look like in the future the library and wikipedia can co-exist. But you will have to be careful and have people constantly monitoring posts to make sure the system isn't being abused. It also seems like a good way to reach out to teens.

Creating: Again time taken out for monitoring posts. It really makes people feel like they are a apart of the library which has been a problem. With the internet you have a cyber community with every click you make.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Muddiest Point

I do not have a muddiest point for this week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Comments for 11/17 week

Tim’s Blog: http://preservingtim.blogspot.com/2009/11/week-10-reading-notes.html?showComment=1257965809503#c2203444033694297350

Response to Jenn's comment http://knivesnmatches.blogspot.com/2009/11/readings-for-1117.html?showComment=1258395524604_AIe9_BHNMOUMPpMtLIErB6-pZWDJoElCOFqtqN3O2-OAZgVolZZX7t9kJnBH1gBBq1M_fQBLauiL8nPUzJXaFxyKg8nyVD6fbXsAjb6ETk65Gx1RcAiYcXQTt3Jt8QIMWlOM8ES8yepiZhv6lTp6IBMM_QynX2vXTygyVzmwFDouQyMxTrjKleDuJLLjPm7UItbW45Qtz2X-q8STOSWOa66Vat0_yhzdBHTklyZfqUCk7cei22Q-UlA#c1748437447687770280

Muddiest Point

I have no muddiest point for this week.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Comments for this week

Jenn's Blog:

Tim's Blog:

Muddiest Point

I do not have a muddiest point for this week.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Readings for 11/17

Web Search Part 1
• I constantly use search engines, preferably Yahoo!, but will use Google if Yahoo!’s responses are lacking.
• Never thought of how search engines don’t show restricted data
• On the Go
• You learn to use engines of how to search
- the best way or words to use to find a specific subject

Web Search Part 2
• Ever look at Yahoo!’s top searches for that day?
• DSL makes you forget how much is going on to obtain your search results and then the page itself
• Term look up- God Bless spell check or Google’s suggestions
• “average query length is around 2.3 words”
• The amount of info that goes into the search like how an engine presents its findings

The Deep Web
• I normally give up after looking through 6 pages of search results
• Search engines- Google, Directory- Yahoo!
• The illustrations explained more than some of the text

Readings for 11/10

An Intro to XML
• Sounds like a good idea and system
• Love the language trivia knowledge ex: Entity  entite  thing  object
• Looks easy with simple tabgels i.e.:
• Then looks more difficult when you move into XML DTD

Extending your Markup
• Agree with the beginning of article. You can even see from my comment for Martin Bryan’s article that I thought it was easy at first and then saw DTD and commented on its difficulty
• Namespace- your names or all the joined name spaces have to be unique?
• Proves that there is a lot more that XML needs than just knowing simple structures

A survey of XML standards
• Gives the perfect word to describe XML “intimidating”
• No surprise there are revisions i.e. XML 1.1
- shows how computers and their technology will continue to change and be updated and of course not everyone is going to be happy with the change