Monday, November 2, 2009

Readings for 11/10

An Intro to XML
• Sounds like a good idea and system
• Love the language trivia knowledge ex: Entity  entite  thing  object
• Looks easy with simple tabgels i.e.:
• Then looks more difficult when you move into XML DTD

Extending your Markup
• Agree with the beginning of article. You can even see from my comment for Martin Bryan’s article that I thought it was easy at first and then saw DTD and commented on its difficulty
• Namespace- your names or all the joined name spaces have to be unique?
• Proves that there is a lot more that XML needs than just knowing simple structures

A survey of XML standards
• Gives the perfect word to describe XML “intimidating”
• No surprise there are revisions i.e. XML 1.1
- shows how computers and their technology will continue to change and be updated and of course not everyone is going to be happy with the change

1 comment:

  1. Rachel- it seems like you really got the basics of XML. This list actually really helped me because I was kind of confused by the articles and I think you did a good job summing up some key points.
