Friday, October 2, 2009

Readings for Oct 6

Computer Networking: I never really thought about it, but the libraries of Allegheny County are part of a network called eiNetwork. It allows all the Allegheny libraries (81 libraries excluding Monroeville) to access each other's collection and order from it.
Local Area Network:
Also I've done LAN parties a couple of times with my brother, but never really had any idea what they are. This article helped explain that. It's rather neat to see how like twenty computers can interact together in game form with LAN parties. It actually seems really simple to do.


  1. Boo Monroeville.. we need to join the eiNetwork!
    I never considered that either, in terms of networking in Allegheny county and our libraries. It's a really interesting point you make.
    I've heard of LAN parties but don't really know what they are. Would you mind explaining a little?

  2. LAN parties. That sounds really funny. The way you talk about it, it kind of sounds like online gaming or something similar, except on a smaller scale.

  3. That's a big feat to get all those libraries to collaborate and join their systems. Someone went through a lot of trouble to standardize everything. Also they must need to constantly maintain the network. I wonder how expensive it is? Also, a lot of my friends used to be really into LAN parties though it was mostly a guy thing. I also had no real idea what they were talking about back then.

  4. Okay so a LAN party is when a group gets together in one place with their computers and connect to each other so that they can play a co-op game. Some games that use this feature are Half-Life, Quake, Left 4 Dead (which is an awesome game), and Doom. Wikipedia gives a great description of what LAN parties are:
